Halls Quality Bakers, Stroud

Fresh bread from Halls Quality Bakers in Stroud. Halls is a family business producing the highest quality fresh bakery products. All of their bakery produced the night before delivery so that it is as fresh as possible when it gets to our customers. For more information go to: www.hallsqualitybakers.co.uk

The bread packaging is compostable bags.

Food Miles to Swindon : 31 Miles

Locally sourced products



Large White Farmhouse

Large White Farmhouse

Large French Bread

Large French Bread

Hot Cross Bun

Hot Cross Bun

Jam Doughnut

Jam Doughnut

Chocolate Brownie

Chocolate Brownie

Pain Aux Chocolate

Pain Aux Chocolate

Large White Bap

Large White Bap

Large Maltcob

Large Maltcob

Large Sourdough

Large Sourdough

Large Rustic Wholemeal

Large Rustic Wholemeal

Reduce food miles

20 years ago we used to have a local milk round and now, thanks to new technology we’re able to deliver again. We have up-cycled an old milk float, charged it with solar electric and have a phone app ordering system.

All of our products are sourced from the nearest possible supplier that shares our values in terms of animal welfare and environmental protection.

This is why most of our suppliers are within a few miles of our site in Wroughton.
